8 Tips to Find the Cheapest One Way Flights to Anywhere in 2023

Written by Hans Desjarlais updated on Jan 10th, 2023 ยท 2 min read

Booking a cheap one-way flight can be a great way to save money on your travel expenses, especially if you are planning a trip with multiple stopovers or a trip with an open-ended return date. Here are 8 tips to help you book the cheapest one-way flights:

Be flexible with your travel dates

One of the easiest ways to save money on one-way flights is to be flexible with your travel dates. Airlines often offer discounts on flights that are not as popular, such as flights that are outside of peak travel times or flights that have a lot of available seats. By being open to traveling on these off-peak flights, you can often find some great deals.

Consider alternative airports

Many major cities have more than one airport, and sometimes the flights to and from these alternative airports can be significantly cheaper than flights to and from the main airport. For example, if you are flying to New York City, you might find that flights to and from JFK International Airport are expensive, but flights to and from Newark Liberty International Airport are much cheaper.

Use a flight search engine

These websites (like FlightList) allow you to search for flights from multiple airlines at once, making it easy to compare prices and find the best deals.

Sign up for email alerts

Many flight search engines and airlines offer email alerts that let you know when there are special deals or discounts on flights. By signing up for these alerts, you can be among the first to know about these deals, giving you a better chance of securing a cheap one-way flight.

Book your flights early

Airlines often offer discounted rates on flights that are booked in advance, so if you know when and where you want to travel, it can be a good idea to book your flights as early as possible.

Look for last-minute deals

If you are unable to book your flights in advance, you can still try to find some great deals by looking for last-minute flights. Many airlines offer discounted rates on flights that are leaving soon, so if you are able to be flexible with your travel plans, you can sometimes find some great deals on last-minute flights.

Use miles or points

If you are a frequent flyer, you may have accumulated a large number of miles or points with your preferred airline. These miles or points can often be redeemed for flights, and sometimes you can use them to book one-way flights at a discounted rate. This can be a great way to save money on one-way flights, especially if you have a lot of miles or points to use.

Search by country or region

Searching for flights by country or region (continent) can be a great way to find cheap flights for several reasons. One reason is that flights to smaller or less popular destinations within a country or region may be less expensive than flights to major cities or more popular tourist destinations. Additionally, searching for flights by country can also allow you to compare prices across different airlines, as well as take advantage of any sales or deals that may be specific to a particular country. Furthermore, local low cost airlines tend to have cheaper fares than major airlines, you can find them by searching flights by country, and these fares can be significantly cheaper than other options.